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No | Notification No. | Title | Notifying Member | Distribution Date | Final Date for Comment | Days to Final Date |
1 | G/TBT/N/EGY/3/Add.73 | The draft of Egyptian Standard ES 4761-2 " dentistry - stationary dental units and dental patient chairs- part: 2 - air, water, suction and... | Egypt | 2024-04-04 | 2024-06-03 |
2 | G/TBT/N/USA/2097/Add.1 | Energy Labeling Rule: Extension of Comment Period | United States of America | 2024-04-04 | 2024-06-03 |
3 | G/TBT/N/EGY/1/Add.24 | The Egyptian Standard ES 1589 for “General standard for bottled/ packaged drinking waters (other than natural mineral waters) ” | Egypt | 2024-04-04 | 2024-06-03 |
4 | G/TBT/N/BGD/6 | Bangladesh Standard Specification for Towels and Towelling (First Revision)_x000D_ | Bangladesh | 2024-04-04 | 2024-06-03 |
5 | G/TBT/N/EGY/156/Add.5 | The Egyptian Standard ES 7993 for " energy efficiency label for television and displays" | Egypt | 2024-04-04 | 2024-06-03 |
6 | G/TBT/N/EGY/1/Add.23 | The Egyptian standard ES 1251-1 for " Wheat flour with its different extraction and methods of analysis and testing part: 1 wheat flour with its... | Egypt | 2024-04-04 | 2024-06-03 |
7 | G/TBT/N/EGY/462 | Ministerial Decree No. 498 / 2023 (2 pages, in Arabic) mandating the Egyptian Standard ES 8739 for " Evaporated milks " | Egypt | 2024-04-04 | 2024-06-03 |
8 | G/TBT/N/USA/2110 | Lead Wheel Weights; Regulatory Investigation Under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) | United States of America | 2024-04-04 | 2024-06-03 |
9 | G/TBT/N/JPN/803 | Expanding target livestock of feed with Muramidase | Japan | 2024-04-03 | 2024-06-02 |
10 | G/TBT/N/ARE/606, G/TBT/N/BHR/693, G/TBT/N/KWT/672, G/TBT/N/OMN/518, G/TBT/N/QAT/671, G/TBT/N/SAU/1331, G/TBT/N/YEM/277 | Liquids and products used in electronic alternatives to traditional tobacco products | Bahrain, Kingdom of | 2024-04-03 | 2024-06-02 |
11 | G/TBT/N/TUR/73/Add.2 | Regulation Amending Turkish Food Codex - Regulation on Food Labelling and Information to Consumers | Türkiye | 2024-04-03 | 2024-06-02 |
12 | G/TBT/N/USA/1403/Add.5 | Heavy Duty Engine On-Board Diagnostic System Requirements | United States of America | 2024-04-03 | 2024-06-02 |
13 | G/TBT/N/USA/1336/Rev.1 | 2025 Building Energy Efficiency Standards | United States of America | 2024-04-03 | 2024-06-02 |
14 | G/TBT/N/EGY/341/Add.1 | The Egyptian Standard ES 1119 "Notebooks & exercise books " | Egypt | 2024-04-03 | 2024-06-02 |
15 | G/TBT/N/BGD/4 | The Bangladesh Standards and Testing Institution Act, 2018. | Bangladesh | 2024-04-03 | 2024-06-02 |
16 | G/TBT/N/EGY/1/Add.21 | The Egyptian Standard ES 358-1 for " Refined sugar and white sugar and methods of analysis part:1 refined sugar and white sugar"(10 pages, in Arabic). | Egypt | 2024-04-03 | 2024-06-02 |
17 | G/TBT/N/UKR/292 | Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 320 "On Amendments to the Technical Regulations Approved by the Resolutions of the Cabinet of... | Ukraine | 2024-04-03 | 2024-06-02 |
18 | G/TBT/N/EGY/324/Add.1 | The Egyptian Standard ES 353-5 "Glass in building - Basic soda lime silicate glass products – Part 5: wired patterned glass” | Egypt | 2024-04-03 | 2024-06-02 |
19 | G/TBT/N/JPN/776/Add.1 | Revisions of the Notification of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) under the Act on Rationalizing Energy Use and Shifting to... | Japan | 2024-04-03 | 2024-06-02 |
20 | G/TBT/N/USA/1850/Add.3 | Asbestos Part 1: Chrysotile Asbestos; Regulation of Certain Conditions of Use Under Section 6(a) of the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) | United States of America | 2024-04-02 | 2024-06-01 |