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Notification Detail :: G/TBT/N/MEX/15
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Norma Oficial Mexicana de Emergencia NOM-EM-001-RECNAT-2001, que establece las especificaciones, procedimientos, lineamientos técnicos y de control para el aprovechamiento, transporte, almacenamiento y transformación que identifiquen el origen legal de las materias primas forestales (53 páginas, en español)
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Forestry raw materials
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This Emergency Official Mexican Standard establishes the following: 1. That environmental degradation has severely affected the forest ecosystems as a result of excessive logging and the growth of the agricultural and livestock sector which have led to the widespread removal of forest stands, for which reason the conservation and sustainable use of forest resources has become a matter of national priority, since plantation and reforestation do not keep pace with deforestation. 1.1. That irrational management of natural resources in the forest ecosystems has resulted in soil degradation and the disappearance of plant cover in forests, and consequently the death and extinction of valuable plant and animal species. 1.2. That the severe degradation of forest and water resources - a strategic pair in terms of national security - must be tackled decisively as a matter of urgency. 1.3. That measures to both protect and quickly increase forest cover, as well as to conserve currently critically threatened natural resources, will shortly be implemented. Description of content: (cont'd) 1.4. That control systems regulating the legal origin of forestry raw materials must be established to guarantee the sustainability of forest ecosystems. 1.5. That the main cause of the water shortage is forest disappearance, which alters the rain cycle and the filtration of rain back into, thus replenishing, the water table. 1.6. That clandestine timber felling activities have a serious negative impact on the forest ecosystem and give rise to a higher incidence of pests, diseases and forest fires. 1.7. That it is imperative to put a stop to irregularities with regard to the extraction of forest resources which result in the degradation of forests and other components of the forest ecosystem. 1.8. That effective action guaranteeing the conservation and sustainable development of forest ecosystems must be taken. 1.9. That forest disappearance and its impact on watersheds are related to the sedimentation of rivers and dams, as well as floods and other natural disasters which have become increasingly common and serious. 1.10. That regenerating and recovering forestry resources and the forest ecosystem is a matter of national security. 1.11. That ongoing action needs to be carried out in favour of the conservation, restoration and sustainable use of forestry resources. 1.12. That illegal and clandestine timber felling activities trigger off a sharp acceleration in the degradation and disappearance of forest resources. 1.13. That Article 22 of the Forestry Law establishes that persons who transport or engage in commercial activities or the processing of timber-yielding forestry raw materials shall ensure, pursuant to the Regulations of this Law and the Official Mexican Standards issued by the Ministry, that they originate from authorized felling activities. 1.14. That there is currently a proliferation of cases of forgery, duplication and reuse of the forms used for monitoring the legal origin of forestry raw materials, leading to a surge in clandestine felling activities and the illegal transport of forest resources and inciting corruption detrimental to forest ecosystems, for which reason the various sectors of forestry activity have asked the Ministry to prepare an Emergency Official Mexican Standard. 1.15. That controls identifying the legal origin of forestry raw materials in a standard and uniform manner throughout the national territory are urgently required. 1.16. That clandestine deforestation results in forest degradation and has a severe impact on soil, water retention and carbon sequestration. 1.17. That there is a pressing need for soil erosion to be prevented and controlled and restoration work undertaken. Description of content: (cont'd) 1.18. That the multiple use of forest ecosystems must be promoted to prevent their fragmentation, encourage their natural regeneration and protect the species therein.
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