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Notification Detail :: G/TBT/N/FRA/234
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Projet de décret modifiant le décret n°2023-1224 du 20 décembre 2023 relatif à l'apposition d'une mention sur chaque unité de conditionnement des produits contenant uniquement du protoxyde d'azote (Draft Decree amending Decree No. 2023-1224 of 20 December 2023 on the inclusion of a warning label on individual packaging units for products containing only nitrous oxide) (5 page(s), in French)
Protection of human health or safety (TBT)
Product Covered
Nitrogen (HS code(s): 280430); Environment. Health protection. Security (ICS code(s): 13) The notified text concerns the sale of nitrous oxide (also known as nitrogen protoxide, dinitrogen oxide and dinitrogen monoxide), chemical formula: N2O, CAS No. 10024-97-2
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280430 - Nitrogen
13 - Environment. Health protection. Safety
Specific Regions
Additional Data
The notified draft Decree amends the wording of the mutual recognition clause contained in Decree No. 2023-1224 of 20 December 2023 on the inclusion of a warning label on individual packaging units for products containing only nitrous oxide, which specifies the content and characteristics of the warning label on the dangers of misusing nitrous oxide to be displayed on the product wrapping or packaging. Decree No. 2023-1224 of 20 December 2023 provides that the warning "Risque avéré d'effets graves pour le système nerveux à la suite d'expositions répétées ou d'une exposition prolongée par inhalation" (Proven risk of serious effects on the nervous system through repeated or prolonged exposure by inhalation) must be displayed on the wrapping of products containing nitrous oxide or, when such products are sold individually, on their immediate packaging. The warning appears in a red box on a white background, in red lettering and Arial font with a height of at least 0.9 mm for packaging whose largest side G/TBT/N/FRA/234 - 2 - has a surface area less than or equal to 80 cm2 and of at least 1.2 mm for packaging whose largest side has a surface area greater than 80 cm2. It is illustrated by a red diamond on a white background measuring at least one centimetre on each side and containing a black silhouette. The notified draft amending Decree sets out the mutual recognition clause so that a product containing nitrous oxide legally marketed or manufactured in a member State of the European Union or in Türkiye, or legally manufactured in a State party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area, labelled as STOT RE 1, in accordance with the requirements of Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008, can be marketed in France.
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