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No | Notification No. | Title | Notifying Member | Distribution Date | Final Date for Comment | Days to Final Date |
1 | G/TBT/N/EU/1005 | Draft Commission Implementing Decision not approving Willaertia magna c2c maky as an active substance for use in biocidal products of product-type 11... | European Union | 2023-09-12 | 2023-11-11 |
2 | G/TBT/N/KOR/1168 | “Designation of Consumer Chemical Products subject to Safety Verification, and Safety and Labeling Standards Thereof” | Korea, Republic of | 2023-09-12 | 2023-11-11 |
3 | G/TBT/N/USA/2045 | Increased Enrichment of Conventional and Accident Tolerant Fuel Designs for Light-Water Reactors | United States of America | 2023-09-12 | 2023-11-11 |
4 | G/TBT/N/BRA/1247/Add.2 | Update of the requirements for certification of mobile phone charger. | Brazil | 2023-09-12 | 2023-11-11 |
5 | G/TBT/N/KOR/1169 | Proposed amendments to the Regulations on GMP for Medicinal Products | Korea, Republic of | 2023-09-12 | 2023-11-11 |
6 | G/TBT/N/BDI/397, G/TBT/N/KEN/1492, G/TBT/N/RWA/921, G/TBT/N/TZA/1025, G/TBT/N/UGA/1832 | DEAS 1172: 2023, Wastewater discharged on land and into water bodies— Specification | Uganda | 2023-09-11 | 2023-11-10 |
7 | G/TBT/N/USA/1533/Add.1 | Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards; Occupant Crash Protection | United States of America | 2023-09-11 | 2023-11-10 |
8 | G/TBT/N/USA/2042/Corr.1 | Fish and Shellfish; Canned Tuna Standard of Identity and Standard of Fill of Container | United States of America | 2023-09-11 | 2023-11-10 |
9 | G/TBT/N/JPN/783 | Partial revision of Regulations for Radio Equipment etc | Japan | 2023-09-11 | 2023-11-10 |
10 | G/TBT/N/BRA/1393/Add.1 | Resolution number 698, 13 May 2022 | Brazil | 2023-09-11 | 2023-11-10 |
11 | G/TBT/N/GRD/31 | Wheat Flour - Specification | Grenada | 2023-09-11 | 2023-11-10 |
12 | G/TBT/N/CHE/281 | Projet d'Ordonnance sur les produits du tabac et les cigarettes électroniques (OPTab) | Switzerland | 2023-09-11 | 2023-11-10 |
13 | G/TBT/N/BRA/1500 | Draft resolution 1200, 01 September 2023 | Brazil | 2023-09-11 | 2023-11-10 |
14 | G/TBT/N/THA/712 | Draft Notification of the Committee on Labels, entitled The electric unicycle is a label-controlled product | Thailand | 2023-09-11 | 2023-11-10 |
15 | G/TBT/N/USA/2004/Add.1 | National Standards Strategy for Critical and Emerging Technology | United States of America | 2023-09-11 | 2023-11-10 |
16 | G/TBT/N/USA/2044 | Pipeline Safety: Safety of Gas Distribution Pipelines and Other Pipeline Safety Initiatives | United States of America | 2023-09-11 | 2023-11-10 |
17 | G/TBT/N/COL/119/Add.4 | Proyecto de Resolución del Ministerio de Minas y Energía de Colombia "Por la cual se modifica el Reglamento Técnico de Iluminación y Alumbrado... | Colombia | 2023-09-11 | 2023-11-10 |
18 | G/TBT/N/USA/2043 | Anthropomorphic Test Devices; THOR 50th Percentile Adult Male Test Dummy; Incorporation by Reference | United States of America | 2023-09-11 | 2023-11-10 |
19 | G/TBT/N/NIC/71/Add.4 | NTON 03003:2023 Carne y Productos Cárnicos. Carne de Aves (Gallus gallus domesticus), faenada enteras, sus cortes y sus menudos para Consumo Humano.... | Nicaragua | 2023-09-11 | 2023-11-10 |
20 | G/TBT/N/AUS/151/Add.1 | Potential reforms to the regulation of nicotine vaping products - consultation paper | Australia | 2023-09-11 | 2023-11-10 |