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No Notification No. Title Notifying Member Distribution Date Final Date for Comment Days to Final Date
1 G/TBT/N/KOR/33 Amendment of "The Consolidated Public Notice" (1 page, in Korean) Korea, Republic of 2002-04-11 2002-06-10
2 G/TBT/N/BRA/30 Technical regulation related to components of the system for vehicular natural gas Brazil 2002-04-11 2002-06-10
3 G/TBT/N/BRA/31 Regulation for conformity assessment for disposable lighters (gas). Brazil 2002-04-11 2002-06-10
4 G/TBT/N/EEC/11/Corr.1 European Union 2002-04-11 2002-06-10
5 G/TBT/N/KOR/32 Amendment of "Pharmaceutical law enforcement regulation" 58 pages, in Korean) Korea, Republic of 2002-04-10 2002-06-09
6 G/TBT/N/NLD/43 Decree laying down new rules concerning substances that deplete the ozone layer (Decree on ozone layer-depleting substances pursuant to the Act... Netherlands 2002-04-10 2002-06-09
7 G/TBT/N/ESP/12 Draft Order Regulating State Metrological Control of Class 2, Direct Connection, Electrical Induction Meters, either Single or Multiple Rate,... European Union 2002-04-10 2002-06-09
8 G/TBT/N/CAN/32 Proposed On-Road Vehicle and Engine Emission Regulations. Canada 2002-04-09 2002-06-08
9 G/TBT/N/ZAF/10 South Africa 2002-04-08 2002-06-07
10 G/TBT/N/NLD/42 Amendment to the Flavouring Agents Regulation Netherlands 2002-04-05 2002-06-04
11 G/TBT/N/JPN/43 Revision of the designation of drugs which are not required to be approved for manufacturing and import. (English, one page) Japan 2002-04-05 2002-06-04
12 G/TBT/N/PHL/19 DPNS 1952:2002 – Plastics piping systems for non-pressure underground drainage and sewerage – Unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U) (15... Philippines 2002-04-05 2002-06-04
13 G/TBT/N/CZE/37 Draft Government Order on the Procedures for the Provision of Information in the Field of Technical Regulations, Technical Documents and Technical... Czech Republic 2002-04-05 2002-06-04
14 G/TBT/N/MEX/22 Amendment to the Mexican Official Standard NOM-116-SCFI-1997, Automotive Industry - Lubricating Oils for Petrol or Diesel Engines - Commercial... Mexico 2002-04-03 2002-06-02
15 G/TBT/N/CZE/35/Corr.1 Czech Republic 2002-03-28 2002-05-27
16 G/TBT/N/CHE/19 Energy Ordinance, Annex 3.6: Declaration of fuel use and CO2 emissions of new passenger cars (5 pages, German and French). Switzerland 2002-03-27 2002-05-26
17 G/TBT/N/JPN/41 Revision of "Labelling Standards for Liquor made from Organic Agricultural Products and Others" Japan 2002-03-25 2002-05-24
18 G/TBT/N/JPN/42 Standard for Labelling on Quality of Frozen Vegetable Foods (2 pages, available in Japanese) Japan 2002-03-25 2002-05-24
19 G/TBT/N/KOR/31 Public Notification of Draft Amendment of "Pharmaceutical law enforcement regulation (35 pages, in Korean) Korea, Republic of 2002-03-25 2002-05-24
20 G/TBT/N/JPN/40 Partial Amendment to the Regulations for Enforcement of Cable Television Broadcasting Policy Law and the Regulations for Enforcement Law Concerning... Japan 2002-03-22 2002-05-21
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