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No | Notification No. | Title | Notifying Member | Distribution Date | Final Date for Comment | Days to Final Date |
1 | G/TBT/N/SWE/3 | Regulations on Flammable Gases and Liquids in Caravans, Motor Caravans, Mobile Site Huts, 23 pages | Sweden | 2001-06-20 | 2001-08-19 |
2 | G/TBT/N/AUS/3 | Trade Practices (Consumer Product Safety Standard) (Bunk Beds) Regulations (2 pages, in English). | Australia | 2001-06-15 | 2001-08-14 |
3 | G/TBT/N/TUN/3 | Hot-rolled steel sections - Equal-leg angles and unequal-leg angles - Tolerances for metric and inch series (4 pages in French). | Tunisia | 2001-06-15 | 2001-08-14 |
4 | G/TBT/N/TUN/2 | Hot-Rolled Steel Sections - Equal-Leg Angles - Dimensions (6 pages in French). | Tunisia | 2001-06-15 | 2001-08-14 |
5 | G/TBT/N/CHL/18 | Amendment to the Decree of the Ministry of Health No. 977 of 1996 (3 pages, in Spanish) | Chile | 2001-06-15 | 2001-08-14 |
6 | G/TBT/N/KOR/13 | Enforcement Ordinance of the Fishery Products Quality Control Act (150 pages) | Korea, Republic of | 2001-06-13 | 2001-08-12 |
7 | G/TBT/N/KOR/12 | Draft Amendment of Ministerial Ordinance of Food Sanitation Act (41 pages, in Korean only, = 3008) | Korea, Republic of | 2001-06-13 | 2001-08-12 |
8 | G/TBT/N/CHE/5 | Ordinance on Authorizations in Relation to Medicinal Products | Switzerland | 2001-06-13 | 2001-08-12 |
9 | G/TBT/N/THA/39 | Draft Ministerial Regulation No. … (B.E. …) Issued Under the Provisions of the Motor Vehicle Act B.E.2522 (1979) (1 page, available in Thai... | Thailand | 2001-06-13 | 2001-08-12 |
10 | G/TBT/N/THA/28 | Draft Amendment of Hazardous Substance Act (No. …) B.E. … (2 pages, available in Thai language) | Thailand | 2001-06-12 | 2001-08-11 |
11 | G/TBT/N/THA/38 | Notification of Ministry of Public Health (No….) B.E.2544 (2001) Food Contains Veterinary Drug Residue (11 pages, available in Thai Language) | Thailand | 2001-06-12 | 2001-08-11 |
12 | G/TBT/N/THA/36 | Notification of Ministry of Public Health (No….) B.E.2544 (2001) Ghee (3 pages, available in Thai language) | Thailand | 2001-06-12 | 2001-08-11 |
13 | G/TBT/N/THA/34 | Notification of Ministry of Public Health (No....) B.E.2544 (2001) Fermented Egg (2 pages, available in Thai language) | Thailand | 2001-06-12 | 2001-08-11 |
14 | G/TBT/N/THA/31 | Notification of Ministry of Public Health (No….) B.E.2544 (2001) Butter (3 pages, available in Thai Language) | Thailand | 2001-06-12 | 2001-08-11 |
15 | G/TBT/N/THA/29 | Notification of the Department of Commercial Registration on Characteristic and Quality Specification of Engine Oil (8 pages, available in Thai... | Thailand | 2001-06-12 | 2001-08-11 |
16 | G/TBT/N/THA/33 | Notification of Ministry of Public Health (No….) B.E.2544 (2001) Drinking Water in Sealed Containers (No.3) (8 pages, available in Thai language) | Thailand | 2001-06-12 | 2001-08-11 |
17 | G/TBT/N/THA/32 | Notification of Ministry of Public Health (No....) B.E.2544 (2001) Cooking Brine (3 pages, available in Thai Language) | Thailand | 2001-06-12 | 2001-08-11 |
18 | G/TBT/N/THA/30 | Notification of Ministry of Public Health (No….) B.E.2544 (2001) Bread (2 pages, available in Thai language) | Thailand | 2001-06-12 | 2001-08-11 |
19 | G/TBT/N/THA/37 | Notification of Ministry of Public Health (No….) B.E.2544 (2001) Ice Cream (4 pages, available in Thai language) | Thailand | 2001-06-12 | 2001-08-11 |
20 | G/TBT/N/THA/35 | Notification of Ministry of Public Health (No….) B.E.2544 (2001) Flavouring Agents (3 pages, available in Thai language) | Thailand | 2001-06-12 | 2001-08-11 |